Circus Act

"Fun, poi, diabolo, acrobats, spinning plates... my experience with social circus"

Partner: Association for circus, education and culture - CIK, Country: Slovenia

Between the 6th and 15th of May, an enthusiastic group was gathered in the small Slovenian town of Brežice. Twenty-one youth workers from six different countries joined the project Circus Act to get to know the basics of circus pedagogy and practice.

During 8 days of intensive training under the guidance of the supportive trainers Denis, Anja and Marton, we have travelled through the spectrum of emotions, bravely fighting with fear and frustration, to gradually, even more enthusiastically, explore the satisfaction and pride when we succeeded.

I admire the way we reached beyond our personal walls and built bridges between us, which were turning into human pyramids, with each one of us, as a shaping stone, creating an indispensable part of it. We can proudly say that on the last day we also set up an exceptional performance, where we presented our newly acquired skills (with some being on the stage for the first time) and stepped on the path of sharing joy through the social circus, which we are going to follow for at least the next few months, as all of us are creating workshops in our own counties.

This week we gained a lot of knowledge and experience, made lasting bonds, and most importantly, had fun together. Thank you for this priceless experience!